itthon / Termék / Memória szövet


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A Suzhou Zongli Textile Co., Ltd. Kína textilszövet-bázisán található - Jiangsu Suzhou Wujiang Shengze városában, Shengze már a Ming- és Qing-dinasztiák idején a "napkelte 10 000 darab, ruhák a világtól" hírnevet szerzett, Shengze városa a Sanghajtól keletre 100 kilométerre, Hangcsoutól délre 100 kilométerre északra Suzhoutól 50 kilométerre, Zhejiang, Jiangsu és Shanghai magháromszög központjában található. OEM kültéri sportruházati Softshell szövet beszállítók és egyedi kültéri kabátok Softshell szövet cég Kínában.
Cégünk 200 importált légsugaras szövőszékkel rendelkezik. Cégünk kültéri szövetek gyártásával és értékesítésével foglalkozik, a termékpaletta magában foglalja a 4 irányú sztreccs szövetet, taslont, pongee-t, taftot, bevonatos, ragasztott filmszövetet, melegsajtolást és egyéb befejező termékeket, amelyeket főként keményhéjú kabátokban, dzsekikben, kabátokban, esőkabátokban használnak. , sportnadrágok, sportruházat és egyéb termékek. Cégünk behozatali és kiviteli joggal rendelkezik, így cégünk termékeit a világ minden tájára exportálják. Kínáljon OEM egyedi Softshell szövetet kültéri sportruházathoz/kabátokhoz. Termékeinket elsősorban az Egyesült Államokban, Nagy-Britanniában, Brazíliában, Mexikóban, Dél-Afrikában, Lengyelországban, Franciaországban, Portugáliában, Argentínában és a világ más részein értékesítjük. Cégünk meghatározta a specializáció, a lean és a nemzetköziesedés fejlesztési stratégiáját.
Suzhou Zongli Textile Co., Ltd.

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Iparágazattal kapcsolatos Bevezetés

What is the principle of Memory fabric "remembering" its original shape, and what is the use of this feature?

The principle behind Memory fabric "remembering" its original shape is due to its unique molecular structure. Memory fabric is typically made from a blend of polyester and polyurethane fibers. The fabric contains special polymers that have a molecular rearrangement property, which allows the fabric to temporarily change its shape when subjected to heat or pressure.
When the memory fabric is heated, these polymers become soft and pliable, enabling the fabric to be stretched, twisted, or molded into a new shape. Once the fabric cools down, the polymers lock into the newly formed shape, giving the fabric a "memory" of its altered configuration. This memory enable fabric to return to its original shape when heated again.
The main use of this feature is seen in various innovative applications. Outdoor Jackets Memory fabric  is commonly used in clothing, upholstery, and bedding. It allows textiles to have a more flexible and adaptable nature, providing a better fit, enhanced comfort, and improved elasticity. For example, memory foam mattresses and pillows use memory fabric to contour to the body's shape and provide better support.
Additionally, memory fabric finds applications in industries such as aerospace and automotive, where it can be used to create self-shaping structures, deployable systems, and shape-changing devices. It also has applications in medical devices, sportswear, and other areas where flexibility, durability, and shape retention are desired.

How does Memory fabric respond to changes in temperature and environmental conditions, and what considerations should be made when using it in applications with varying climates?

Memory fabric is a type of fabric that can change its shape or structure when subjected to certain stimuli like temperature or moisture, and then return to its original state when the stimulus is removed. The response of memory fabric to changes in temperature and environmental conditions varies depending on the specific type and composition of the fabric.
In general, memory fabric can contract or expand in response to temperature changes. When exposed to higher temperatures, memory fabric tends to contract and become more compact, whereas lower temperatures may cause it to expand and stretch. This property enables memory fabric to adapt to the body shape and provide increased comfort.
However, when using memory fabric in applications with varying climates, several considerations should be made:
Temperature Range: It is crucial to determine the temperature range within which the Outdoor Jackets Memory fabric  is designed to work effectively. Extreme temperature variations can impact the fabric's shape memory properties and could potentially cause irreversible damage or alteration in its structure.
Thermal Insulation: Memory fabric's responsiveness to changes in temperature can affect its thermal insulation properties. In warm climates, the fabric may contract, reducing its insulating ability, while in colder climates, expansion can enhance its insulation. These effects should be taken into account when designing applications for different climates.
Moisture: In addition to temperature, the moisture level in the environment can also impact the performance of memory fabric. Humidity can affect the fabric's ability to change, maintain, or recover its shape. Moisture management features and compatibility with the intended climate should be considered to ensure optimal functionality.
User Comfort: Comfort is crucial in any fabric application, regardless of climate. Memory fabric's ability to adapt to the body can provide enhanced comfort, but it should be ensured that the fabric's responsiveness to temperature changes does not lead to discomfort or thermal regulation issues in extreme climates.
Overall, when using memory fabric in applications with varying climates, it is essential to understand its specific capabilities and limitations, including temperature range, moisture management, durability, and user comfort. Proper testing, evaluation, and selection of the fabric based on the desired climates will help ensure optimal performance and longevity.